Technically, today was day 2 of 4 days of riding.
Took a trip to Easter Island and Stonehenge.
We also went and saw 3 sisters today. No pics, but do have some video I will post once I get a faster connection.
First part from Houston to Kerrville was yesterday (~340 miles), today was the Sisters, then tomorrow Willow loop.
I was a little disappointed in the sisters, they were not well prepared for me. Seems I got some sloppy seconds.
The northern half of 335 and all of 336 has just been resurfaced with chip-seal in the past week (was warned before hand by
@grimsweeper ), but I was hoping it improved. 335 was OK, I slid a little once, lots of loose stuff in spots, 336 was pretty bad. If you stayed in the tire lines, you were OK, but if you went into the center (you know, like you do when running a curve fast) you would hit piles of loose rock. I have enough issues with my newer to me 800 lb bike with my fat butt on it as it is. After sliding the rear out twice I slowed it way down. I think in a month or so, it will be a really great road with the fresh chip on it, but only once all the loose stuff is gone.
337 was a blast though, and taught me 3 things:
- I am not as good as I thought I was (which I knew was not very good)
- Trying to keep up with a K1600GT with a rider that knows the roads and how to ride them is not a good idea
- I am not a big fan of the linked braking on the GL1500
Still lots of fun though, we went down 16 from Kerrville, and man that is a ride for sure.
The morning was really nice, like 74° @ 8am, warmed up to the high 80's by the time we were wrapping it up after noon, was still hot (but not as hot and humid as yesterday on the trip over).
Stopped @ O.S.T. For breakfast in Bandera.
Also found this old guy rummaging around the bikes outside...
He kept mumbling something about having had a BMW at home, said it was his Big Mexican Woman, whatever that means.
A little later we had some fat old guy come up and look at the bikes mumbling some jibberish about how only Harleys are real motorcycles and these bikes from overseas are just toys.
we did not pay him any attention, Just threw him some steak and he went away.