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Post your Day Rides Here!

What a great day you must have had Mark, awesome scenery, you got some great shots there man!

Thank you very much! Someday I'll get a videocam and learn to hang with the big boys..;-)
Well I hope y'all aren't sick of my pictures because I rode another 150 miles on gravel today, basically did a modified Milam, Burleson county loop (CCW) to view the Little River floodplain and the water.
Pic 1 is more flooding in a Yegua feeder creek near Forest Grove.
Pic 2 is a sign shot through the spokes of my KLR....trying to be different and I love this sign.
Pic 3 is one of three small, unattended "roads" or goat trails that exemplify WHY I RIDE.......each of these roads I had never seen before, were trackless today and just overgrown with beauty, animal and plant life and solitude. Yup, that's why I ride....
Pic 4 is for my friend Mudclod, remember when we stopped and rested on the Milam County ride and found the Cattle Raiser sign embedded in the Oak tree? Well that was on String Prairie Cemetery Road, and I seem to remember you saying it was one of your favorites! I was going about 60 when I found this washout HOLE about 50 feet from your embedded sign. Yes I stopped in time...if you look carefully at the large oaks in the distance, you can see a square blotch of the sign corner sticking out.....so this one's for you Will!!


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Thanks Mark, that is one of my fave's. I've got to check out the area around the Yegua-it looks awesome. Thanks for sharing the images man!
WHY I RIDE.......each of these roads I had never seen before, were trackless today and just overgrown with beauty, animal and plant life and solitude. Yup, that's why I ride....

Wow where was this road when I was in Austin??
Battled a headwind to Port Lavaca last Saturday with Mike Payne (O_matic). We went thru Cuero and Victoria on the way down then had a nice tailwind on the return thru Edna, Halletsville, Praha/Flatonia and Smithville.

Port Lavaca Causeway.

Lunch in Halletsville.

An FJR on its way back to Victoria.

All that remains of the Bel Air Motel.
First long ride

Did a good ride as part of the break in. I was somewhat limited by the 4500 rpm max and half throttle limit but had a great ride. Could not in any way keep up with that Connie. Getting 44 mpg riding twisties in the hill country. Made our way from P'ville down to Boerne for lunch and back home by 1530. That's 3:30 y'all. 290 miles.

Re: First long ride

Did a good ride as part of the break in. I was somewhat limited by the 4500 rpm max and half throttle limit but had a great ride. Could not in any way keep up with that Connie. Getting 44 mpg riding twisties in the hill country. Made our way from P'ville down to Boerne for lunch and back home by 1530. That's 3:30 y'all. 290 miles.


Could your SMILE be any bigger??!! :clap:

Good for you, Bruce!
Looks like a good ride Slim I really like the history in that area.

Bruce, a Tenere?? Awesome!

Yeah Tourmeister, didn't figure I'd get much sympathy. :trust: Buddy went and did some slalom training this morning after dropping his bike off at my house. Once he was done we loaded up and headed north, past the old Tumalo reservoir and had just gotten into the off-road area to the north when James decided he needed gas. So... another 8 mile detour to his house to fuel up. While there I popped down to an old homestead near the Deschutes River and grabbed a crappy cell phone pic. Couldn't find my camera this morning :(.


Once back into the OHV area we hit a bunch of new trail that was just getting burned in, one of the most technical nasty little loops I've ridden on the moto. At one point we're clawing up a wet, rock garden hill and James stops in the trail and motions where it does a 90 degree to the right just in front of his back wheel. I didn't make it... got one leg down but the slope was too steep and I went down the hill. Bike landed in a rock garden and bashed pretty much every piece of armor on it including some that didn't have armor, like my header pipe :doh:. I was very lucky not to case it. Strained my back a bit lifting it to go with a torqued neck I woke up with yesterday :clap: :giveup:

I was a little rattled because I'm trying to make it to a big ride/race next weekend and I don't need to be hurt or trash the bike :doh:

Got it sorted and proceeded to have a ball. Got into this really cool little canyon...


One of the neatest little sections of trail I've been on. If my buddy James will give me the vid he took I'll post it up.

Got back up to the plateau and couldn't believe the view. Darned camera couldn't do it though, especially with the bright overcast and snow in the mountains.


Really nice ride, getting totally knackered by the end and of course we finish out with a good five miles of heavily whooped out singletrack... gah....


James had a better excuse for being tired than I did after doing ~ 11k vertical feet of skiing this morning.

Staggered home and went to Brother Jon's to kill some Oregon micros and snarf down a huge BLT+Avacado. Nom nom nom....
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:tab Here are some shots from my ride this past Saturday afternoon. Most of these were taken in the area North of Hwy 105 between the Brazos River and Independence. Some of the early ones were taken on FM 3090 outside of Navasota.

FM 3090





:tab The Navasota and Brazos rivers were HIGH, out of their banks in places. That last big storm that came through dumped a LOT of rain!

In the area North of William Penn Road off Hwy 105 West of Navasota

Even with earplugs in and helmet on, the buzzing from all the bees was LOUD!




:tab Most of these roads used to be gravel. They were only recently "paved" with a hard gravel top. They are lane and a half wide roads with a heavy crown to them. Great back roads for a mellow cruise and explore.

LOVE trees like this. The urge to build an incredible tree house is almost overwhelming!!







:tab Found these guys just NE of Independence. Most of them got up and moved off a bit. This guy was NOT intimidated!



Is it me, or does it look like he's laughing at me?

:tab Stopped at the little general store in Independence for an ice cream and a drink. Enjoyed a nice break on their back deck and a visit with some other riders.

Not sure what kind of tree this is, but it smells SWEET!!

:tab I ran back down FM 390 to the start of William Penn and then ran that across to Hwy 105. Right before 105 there were a LOT of blue bonnets in the pastures.




:tab Just outside of Navasota, I cut South of Hwy 90 on a bunch of dirt roads that eventually drops out onto FM 1486 South of Richards. Again, TONS of blue bonnets in the pastures and no traffic to speak of.





:tab Just East of Richards on FM 149, I cut back into the woods and picked up some forest roads that run out near Outlaw Trax and eventually drop out onto FM 1791. From there it was a quick run home.



:tab Had a great ride. Perfect temps. Little wind. Got home in time to help Daniel and Sarah do their first rides without training wheels on their dirt bike. Great day!
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I wish West Texas was looking like that right about now. Of course, it never does (obviously) but we're still so short on rainfall out here that I doubt we'll have any wildflowers or Spring colors at all. We're praying for rain, that's for sure.
Excellent photo's, as usual Scott.

I was exploring over by Chapel Hill on Friday and ran FM 2447 east for the very first time. It's a cool little road, until it dead end to a private road. Then I tried to find a connecting route from the backside off Felder road, but it was too muddy. From there I rode up to Independence and followed 390 over to Burton. It was a perfect day for a ride. I really wanted to get over by lake Summerville and do some exploring, but I ran out of time.

Hooked up with some other TWT'ers Saturday at Bastrop for some off-road fun.
Coolhand, keep the shiny side up man, hope you're OK. Scott, those were great images and I particularly enjoyed the Longhorn shots, cool!
Nice panoramics Scott. I was orbiting that area clockwise on Saturday coming down from Dime Box, over to Independence, down thru Chappel Hill, all the way down to Stephen F. Austin SP, Eagle Lake, up to Cat Spring then Fayettevile, Winchester and home. Lots and lots of bugs out enjoying the flowers and splatting my shield/visor.
Scott those really sweet smelling flowers are from a Chinaberry Tree, we use to have them in our yard when I was a kid, they do smell AWESOME!!!! And the berries made great sling shot ammo.:trust:
My friend Maurice and I did a Lone Star Track days event at Texas World Speedway last Friday, but I am not talented enough to take pictures and ride at the same time. I had great time. Weather was perfect. Very few crashes. We didn't get enough riding in (do we ever) so we went on a street ride to Washington on the Brazos(WOB). Ronnie Lunsford from Northwest Honda organized the ride to benefit the pediatric brain tumor Ride for Kids. Good job Ronnie and crew. We rode down to WOB from College Station.

I had this ride report nearly done when my computer locked up so I am going to post in stages. If it happens again, maybe all will not be lost.

The Brazos River is still very high

Mo between his Tuono and my Mille

There were some sport car guys at WOB



I'm not sure this would be classified as a "real" sport car, but he was driving with them

I must have lost the picture of the Lotus. It was there.

Not everything that's labeled sport is actually sporty


When I was a child of around 11 or 12, my goal was to pick 100# of cotton in a single day and make $2.00. Thankfully, we moved away from the cotton growing areas and I never accomplished my goal. Our first president's children did better.

I couldn't get my camera to focus on the star inside the visitor center. Perhaps it was the sunlight coming in from the rear of the star. Anyway, all attempts failed and this is the best.

The line was long with 175 in attendance

There were biker dudes

There was a fast cutting dude

And, there was my beautiful niece
Blue bonnets were everywhere

People were taking pictures of people taking pictures of people sitting in fields of bluebonnets. That’s a lot of “people” in one sentence.

Not all beautiful flowers are bluebonnets. This thistle type flower was in full bloom.

Lots of interesting bikes, but none so much as this one.

It had custom highway pegs.

Custom drink holders?

Custom tool tubes under the bags.


They had snap on lids

It had been everywhere man.


The owner. A little excentric? Yes. Also very knowledgeable. I liked him immediately.

We finished up the day with a ride back to Texas World Speedway where I got to visit with many friends including Zac Chapman.
Wow great stuff lately guys, incredible flowers this spring and very nice to see a shot of Mr. Chapman.

Got the little video of me riding through the canyon but cell phone cameras just can't do it justice.

[ame="http://vimeo.com/39322398"]Canyon in Cline on Vimeo[/ame]
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