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Reader's Digest condensed version.

Not trying to derail the original ride report, but I'm not the one who brought up Big Bend.
You can't derail the report. This is the condensed version, complete with footnotes at the bottom of pages for me to explain what's been left out and for others to "tell me where to go.". Feel free to chime in with pictures or suggestions.
Maybe, that would be great. In the next couple of days I'm going to Meridian for tires and then do a quick loop into Canada before calling my wife to join me. She'll have to put in for vacation and then get approved. Let me know when you get here. Timing may work out.
Sounds great
I get it. Two years ago we took my wife's family to Florida for Christmas. They were dying to go to the beach so we went to Clearwater. They had a blast and the beach was absolutely packed with folks in awe of the beach and having a good time. All except me, the guy who grew up in Tampa and hates the beaches. I'd like to see Big Bend though, because I didn't grow up there.

gixxer, are you sure that pic is from Florida? Looks like the current mash of people in Terlingua with all the glamping facilities...maybe down by Terlingua Creek. :duck:
Drove through Wind River Canyon yesterday , 3 highway tunnels and several train tunnels . I’ve been through that canyon a few times a year now for 5 years and have not seen a train in the canyon yet . Headed to it several times but never in it . Parked in Shell Wyoming till fall now 50 s this morning and loving it .
I did see a train in the canyon, but it was in the upper end with no tunnels. I would have turned around, but a lady at a campground in Thermopolis had agreed to stay late to check me in. I didn't want to inconvenience her any more than necessary. I knew I was coming back through the next day. Alas, no train.
Cagiva, I was wrong last week when I said 14A was open. 14A in South Dakota was open. I tried 14A in Wyoming and it was closed .
Thanks, LicketySplit for the suggestion. Craters of the Moon Nat. Monument. This pattern on the lava was caused by the lava coming in contact with a fallen tree. The moisture in the tree cooled the lava as the tree burned. Hence the briquette shape imbedded in the lava
A collapsed lava tube. The lava tubes in this park are closed due to ice and snow. The ones I visited in El Malpais last year were closed due to dangerous conditions. I'm beginning to think I'm never going to enter a lava tube. I did see a lot of ice in the bottom of a deep collapsed lava tube.
Last year it wasn’t opened till June first , but the snow is melting a lot faster this year . Surprised me Friday , I came up 25 from colorado and there was some patches of snow down by Glendo on the side of the road . All the rivers here are full banks and moving fast . I haven’t been up on the mountain yet .
Well, TWT members chastised me because I'm not a big fan of Big Bend NP. Take a look at this guy from Seattle. He's heading home after a trip to Utah, Arizona and Colorado. He's not a fan of the Million Dollar Highway!!! That single front wheel made turning so hard that he was sore for two days. He packs a little heavy also with two soft bags on top of his rear hard bag. I saw him drive into the parking lot yesterday and he also has a bag for the back seat. I fit right in on this bike, if I get old.
