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Ride Reports for Jan 2016 Pie run to Hico TX

one Wolf

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Mar 17, 2009
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Part of the crowd at Hico. And, TWT'ers at The Loco Coyote. Holding our "turf". We were the one percenters!


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Re: Pie run I: Hico 1/30/16

We had fun as always.


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Didn't see another one so I guess I'll start it. I met FocusFrenzy, our intrepid pie man and two other riders at the Cleburne court house @ 0845. My new to me DRZ was loaded up with it's new luggage so I could get a little dry run in for future adventures.

The Pie Man led the way and said he made a wrong turn (due to his GPS), but you couldn't prove it by me. We just rode some nice roads in the cool morning air and arrived in Hico at about 1030. We were a little ahead of the rush and most of the guys had a really big breakfast while I had a BLT and Coconut Pie. I told the girl at the counter it was lousy, but she didn't believe me.

I enjoyed looking at the bikes, you can learn a lot by how some of these guys outfit their bikes, and also putting faces to names.

I took a more direct route home while the others enjoyed a day of riding in the area. I ran right at 165 Miles today.
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Re: Pie run I: Hico 1/30/16

Today was my first pie run and I had a good time.
Windmill and I made about 350 miles, and got to see many friends old and new!
Got to sit next to Scott and visit, and say Hi to Zephyr's sweet daughter, and see some of that fine Austin lunch crowd! Good to meet you Monte! And Alpine Ridge! Hello Lynard! Saw a pretty yellow gray Beemer, and a full dress Indian with leather bags that was georgeous! Oh and my trusty rusty KLR hit 75K today...:sun:

What a perfect winter day....:clap:
Windmill and I made about 350 miles, and got to see many friends old and new!
Got to sit next to Scott and visit, and say Hi to Zephyr's sweet daughter, and see some of that fine Austin lunch crowd! Good to meet you Monte! And Alpine Ridge! Hello Lynard! Saw a pretty yellow gray Beemer, and a full dress Indian with leather bags that was georgeous! Oh and my trusty rusty KLR hit 75K today...:sun:

What a perfect winter day....:clap:

Enjoyed having lunch with you guys. Congrats on the KLR milestone.
nice turn out, 87 bikes were counted and I know of at least three who caged in.

321 miles for me today and ALL in the sunshine. :sun:

Met up with Rusty and Tourmeister and slabbed it to Hico. Ate, conversed, met some new folks/put screen names to real names and faces, got a few wrong, got most right, then hooked it down 281 to Marble Falls to look at some property, then on into Austin and dinner with the folks.

Sure was a pretty day for everyone to be out riding. :rider:

Thanks Leon for yet another one in the books. :eat:

Made it back home around 1400. perfect end to a perfect day. I rode out about 0830 this morning and arrived in Hico a little before 1000. Had time to have a nice breakfast and of course this


with a couple of new friends and one old friend before it got real busy inside. Wandered outside to be greeted with all of this:


And even more friends and bikes:


It was great to meet new friends and to see old friends.

When I went to the back parking to get on the bike I saw this:


I had a great ride home. Even stopped in Meridian to grab a pic of a courthouse.


Bosque County

All total rode about 160 miles from Burleson to Hico and back again.
Great day!!
On your mark...
Get set.....

No Mike! Not yet!

Oh well. Eat your pie first and you'll always have room. :eat:


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Had a great first pie run. Thanks to voyager rider, gravel guy, super Dave and others for making the new guy welcome. Saw a lot of amazing bikes and a good showing of klr's. Rode some dirt on the way home, about 130 miles total.
Left Burleson at 0800 for Del Norte's in Godley where I met up with Lynyrd, Reggie, Darrell, Pat, Cole, Jason, and Paul, and Dave. Lynyrd took us through some of the best north Texas hill country I've had the opportunity to ride. Pulling into Hico around 10:45, it was great to see all the bikes in front of the Koffee Kup. Had the pleasure of having lunch with ADVchef, Focus Frenzy and Crew Chief. Saw some old faces, met some new riders and enjoyed riding out to Beemerless Bob' and spending a little time with him and The Saint at their spread in Valley Mills. Very hospitable folks! By then, it was down to me, Cole and Jason to make the ride back before sunset. The weather was beautiful and the Pie Run was one for the books!

Sent from my QMV7B using Tapatalk
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Right at 545 miles for the weekend for me. Imma hurtin bad... :eek2: :lol2:

I don't get to do the long days in the saddle like I used to and man I can FEEL it! I think every joint in my body is hurting. Fighting the wind made me pretty sore. We were getting whipped around pretty good on the way home (Rsquared and Woodsguy were chasing me).

As usual, I didn't get to visit with all the folks I wanted to see. I see by the replies above that there were folks I've not seen in a long time and missed yet again :doh: It was really cool to finally get to meet Zac! Hard to believe it's been something like six years since his accident, how they thought he would not pull through, and how great he's doing now. I need to make a few of Bob's pie run weekend gatherings so I have more time to just hang out and visit with folks.

Thanks for lunch Fred ;-)

And now a few pics!




Something is missing in that white spot... :ponder:









Zac and his Dad (Fred I think)




























He watches the man’s hand shake as he points at the clerks, listening to the people around him screaming, frantic to leave. The man's face is covered by what appears to be some sort of winter beanie stretched to it's limits.

"ATTICA!!" He yells.


Suddenly, an alarm goes off, but it’s unlike anything he would expect in a bank lobby. He wonders, “I thought they have silent alarms?”

He jolts upright in his bad to find his cellphone screaming at him, the same alarm as the one from the bank. Reaching over, he catches a blurry glance of the phone screen – 0553. He set his phone to military time so that it’s easier to stay in the habit for work related purposes. The air around him is cold, the bedding warm, and getting out of bed is the last thing he wants to do. In an instant, he remembers, and it’s time to get out of bed.

0736. After showering and checking his gear and equipment, it is time to hit the road. He is meeting up with Tim, a friend from the forum who’s been helping him since day 1 on many different things, as well as Erik, someone else he has always seen around in different posts, and looked forward to meeting at Tim’s house. The plan is to meetup, do final running checks, and hit the road to Hico for Pie.

0813. He shows up at Tim’s house, but something’s wrong – Tim’s bike isn’t outside, he’s at the wrong address, or he was late to the party. What if something happened? What if he didn’t get the memo that the pie run was just a complex, in-depth ploy to ambush him at his most vulnerable and steal his bike and all his money? He had just recently bought a full SENA kit after all – most people would kill for a free helmet Bluetooth kit. What if – oh. After pulling further down the street, he sees Tim tinkering with his bike, and decides to pull up next to him. “Oh, Erik?” Tim says. He doesn’t respond for a second. Did he just ask if he aired it – did he wear it? What did Tim say? Tim repeats himself. “Erik?” A moment of mutual confusion is shared. Did a random motorist just pull into his driveway? Mind still stuck in first gear, he finally makes the connection that Tim thinks him to be Erik. “Oh! No, it’s Humzah – Alpine Ridge”. After a few minutes of admiring Alpine’s ride, they head inside for a quick cup of coffee and a short chat about life in general. However, Alpine respectfully declines the coffee – he doesn’t ever really feel the effects of coffee and doesn’t see the point in it personally, yet also hopes it doesn’t offend Tim.

Erik shows up, looking about as ready to hit the road as an F1 racer walking to their car, balaclava and all. Formal exchanges are made, with the ever important screen-name questions pointed out. The route is discussed, and Tim leads the way to Hico at 0830.

This is the first time Alpine has ever ridden with another motorist for anything, much less two motorists. Sure, he passes by them and does the little two finger low hold salute to feel cool, but the thrill – the feeling of being – it’s different in a group ride. He feels like he’s in a carbureted dream.

Tim knows his maps well, and leads the ride through a series of scenic lookouts and many, many curvy roads. The ride is one to not be forgotten. He notices early in the ride that Tim is a very careful leader – he adjusts his speed when needed, looks back every few minutes to make sure he can see his group, and considers his group’s positions on the road when they need to change lanes. All in all, it was a smooth, enjoyable ride to the Koffee Kup. About 1 hour into the ride, the group pulls over to do a general well check and to make sure everyone is doing ok. All is well, and back on route they go – until Alpine’s bike dies. While shifting gears up, he notices that his bike just lurched forward, something that has never happened to him while shifting up. Figuring it to just be a short skip somewhere in the system that he probably has no mechanical knowledge of, he tries throttling up to catch up to Tim, when he now notices that his throttle is no longer working either, but he is still rolling, causing him to be mildly disconcerted.

He starts questioning if he throttled too quickly and possibly burned out the transmission. He’s gotta figure this out fast. Looking down at his instrument cluster now, his stomach drops into his boots as he realizes that the Tachometer is showing to be 0RPM’s. Alpine is now in a full blown panic and can’t figure out what’s wrong – he still has electrical power because his high beam indicator is lit, his keys are in the correct position, and the kill switch isn’t engaged. Slapping his right turn indicator on and attempting to scurry onto the right shoulder, just as quickly as his bike died, it roared back to life. He lifts up his visor and ducks beneath the windshield to listen to the engine as best as he could. It doesn’t sound like it normally does at this speed, but it doesn’t sound like anything blew up inside either. This is definitely something to check out once he gets back home, but for now, he wants to get to Hico and eat some Pie.

Right around halfway to the destination, Alpine’s butt is starting to hurt. This isn’t the average pain of sitting for a long time, but the pain of sitting on a seat on an open vehicle going 65MPH+, with wind gusts that are trying to push you off the road so that you can hug a tree or fence post. His solutions aren’t very effective. Standing slightly only temporarily alleviates the pain until you sit down again, and being 6’1”, putting your feet down off the pegs leaves you with only so much more legroom and drags your boots on the road.

More astounding scenery is passed and small, historical towns driven through. This is a good time to think about things. Being away from family and the constraints of city and internet life even if just for a few hours, as cliché as it sounds, provides a while to think to one’s self and reflect on their life. It’s only you, your own thoughts, and the wind that’s killing your hearing by the minute. Alpine would know – his helmet whistled at him the whole way to eat pie. If he had not known better, he would have thought there was a girl as a passenger on his bike doing the classic wolf whistle at him, although when was the last time a girl ever whistled at a guy? Alpine was now sad.

The group was making good time. In fact, they arrived at the Koffee Kup at around 1020. Rolling up, there were maybe 6 or 7 other people that were already there. Cordialities were followed, and inside the group headed to finally rest their butts and stuff their faces with pie. Plans changed, and rather than having pie like intended, breakfast was taken advantage of instead. This gave them a good reason to come back to the Koffee Kup in the future for pie again. Eventually, Alpine had finally been able to put faces to names from the forum – DFWTom, MrRoboto, Tourmeister, DaveC, Lynyrd, Liteitup, M38A1, Focus Frenzy, Mr2Mch, Gravel Guy, Crew Chief, Rsquared, Woodsguy, Beemerless Bob (even though Alpine failed to recognize it was him until now), and others, to name a few.

After about an hour and a half of drooling over bikes and talking to people, it was agreed upon that it was now time to head back home. The ride back was like any other time travelling back home – the high, the pinnacle of the trip, was over. The ride home is sad, uneventful, and with a longing for another trip already, even while fidgeting on the seat for a comfortable riding position, sure that a butt has been turned to steel.

It was a long time coming, but for his first major TWT event, Alpine had unforgettable fun, and longs to join in on another event so long as his work schedule permits it.
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482 miles in one day for this old fart! New bike did great, just perfect to get it in for 600 mile service. Rsquared and Tourmeister, made sure she was broke in right, chasing them kept it near the break in limiter, 6500 prm, I believe. Even got a few dirt roads and a low water crossing thrown in the mix. Nice to see such a big turnout!

Not into cruisers but if I was, I think an Indian would be at the top of the list, sweet ride. Apple pie was great!


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We were glad you decided to come Lynyrd. Good to see you.

Thanks Ron. I was glad I made it too. Had a good ride down and back home. I was feeling the wind also even on the couch rocket! A common comment I've noticed from a lot of riders, my butt was tired too!
Left Burleson at 0800 for Del Norte's in Godley where I met up with Lynyrd, Reggie, Darrell, Pat, Cole, Jason, and Paul (sorry, but I forgot one of the riders name that came also). Lynyrd took us through some of the best north Texas hill country I've had the opportunity to ride. Pulling into Hico around 10:45, it was great to see all the bikes in front of the Koffee Kup. Had the pleasure of having lunch with ADVchef, Focus Frenzy and Crew Chief. Saw some old faces, met some new riders and enjoyed riding out to Beemerless Bob' and spending a little time with him and Zephyr at their spread in Valley Mills. Very hospitable folks! By then, it was down to me, Cole and Jason to make the ride back before sunset. The weather was beautiful and the Pie Run was one for the books!

Sent from my QMV7B using Tapatalk

I enjoyed the ride, thanks for letting me join up with you guys.
It was a long time coming, but for his first major TWT event, Alpine had unforgettable fun, and longs to join in on another event so long as his work schedule permits it.

Now that sir, is a heck of a Pie Run report! :clap:
Glad to have had a chance to meet you, and many others.

Caught up with LYNARD's group when I saw his white Wing leading a string of bikes on 67 outside of Cleburne and appreciate them letting me tag along.

Pie was the best, it is the Koffee Kup after all. Thanks Pie Master Leon for organizing these. Will try to make more of them this year, I promise.

Tagged along with the post pie pavement group (Phil's?) heading south after a lengthy parking lot visit with other TWTers until I split off and continued on down to Troy. Outrageously good weather for January. A great day all around.
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DFW Tom, I got " drafted" for the pleasure of leading. Glad you got in on it!
This was my first ever TWT RTE, and I had a great time. About 600 miles for me round trip, and the weather couldn't have been better for January.

Good meeting you, VoyagerRider... thanks for inviting me to your table.
And good meeting you, Jeff (JB)... enjoy that 1200GS!

See yall in Ponder!
Now that sir, is a heck of a Pie Run report! :clap:
Glad to have had a chance to meet you, and many others.

Caught up with LYNARD's group when I saw his white Wing leading a string of bikes on 67 outside of Cleburne and appreciate them letting me tag along.

Pie was the best, it is the Koffee Kup after all. Thanks Pie Master Leon for organizing these. Will try to make more of them this year, I promise.

Tagged along with the post pie pavement group (Bill's?) heading south after a lengthy parking lot visit with other TWTers until I split off and continued on down to Troy. Outrageously good weather for January. A great day all around.
Tom... I think you were with Liteitups (Phil on the FZ1) group...
I hornswaggled him into doin the honors after anuther of my friends couldnt make it..... & I was leadin a mixed pavgrav route. We were able to keep our respective groups at a managable number of bikes.

BIG THANX to Liteitup for Philin the "Bill" .... huh
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What a great day for a ride! Memories of Hico trips past are really cold or really hot:eek2: If there is any truth to the sticker shown in Robin's second pic we are all a bunch of wimps as well as the hundreds of pirates we encountered @ Loco Coyote. Zac asked me if that pie was as good as it looked, to which I replied " I doubt any pie is actually as good as that looks! Was glad Zac and Tourmeister finally got to meet. Scotts kids have been praying faithfully for Zac since his accident. Mary, Duchess of Erath led us on a great ride after the pie. I have to admit I was a little relieved when we would come up behind some slower traffic which slowed the pace a little:lol2: I think Mary has found her perfect bike with that F700 gs.


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