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Strom A Thon VI Supa Ten III.. Equal Seekual March 28-31 2019 Final Mr2mch Edition

Most every road from Kerrville east to I35.. northeast ...& north to Fburg is gonna be paved...with justa few exceptions. Llano Co has a mix.
Southeast toward Bandera has some unpaved... south & west is mostly unpaved CRs...northwest too
I figgered most everyone knew about the Harley Thunder in the Hills deal.... We've been talkin bout it here for weeks

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That would require me to read every post ! ! ! :lol2::lol2::lol2::lol2::lol2::lol2:
939 mighty fine miles of riding with some great people, if I did my GPS reading and ciphering right.

Thanks to Rod for putting this thing together, Destination Cycles for some of the best breakfast tacos/burritos ever, and MacDaddy for leading me around for two days. It was a great weekend, the weather mostly cooperated. The parking lot BSing at the hotel was first class, punctuated by excessively loud revving open piped harleys and maybe a couple of adult beverages.
Alrighty! Spring in the Texas Hill Country... and we have motorcycles, :dude:

So Hodee and I head for the hills. He on his splendid Super T and me on my ratty old KLR. We agreed that while cruising through towns or when passing other motorcyclists - I'd drop far back and act like we weren't really riding together. :shrug:


Wild flowers are doing just fine this season with occasional hillsides covered in bluebonnets so thick we could smell their fragrance while passing through.

Some roads seem to go right through somebody's place... code of the West : "Gates - Leave em the way ya found em."


And then there's always a few locals with attitudes to deal with...


I admire folks with artistic talents. Gate art with a Texas flavor or maybe a No Tresspassing sign in internataional language format?


Creeks and rivers are running crystal clear and beyond beautiful... pictures just don't work here.



Course, there always has to be two sides to every happy story...



This is one of a few remaining natural crossings that grow slickness in superb fashion. I can't remember a time crossing this spot when at least one bike hasn't been baptized. All in a day's ride with no harm done and Hodee handles it in stride.

And then there's the ADVENTURE aspect of the ride. The part to explain an occasionally removed and far-off gaze in our eyes along with a slight and somewhat devious grin that family and coworkers might notice months or perhaps even years from now...


It's Springtime - and we have motorcycles... LIVE!!!
RG, Thanks for the awesome 12 hr and 4 minute, over 400 miles ride on friday. Lots of animals dirt, rocks,gates and water. At one point It was mid thigh when I was instructed" Oh, by the way, we need to turn around and go back the way we came! This 30 inches of water used to be a dirt road! This pic only shows the 6 inches as I had already turned around and was nearly out of it. Thats why they are called Adventure bikes right? Not to mention the guy that redirected me off "his" property with a rifle strapped across his chest. OOPS, sorry sir...
Have more, but some were too large to load, it said.

I upped the size limit to 12MB a while back. I really can't go any larger for images that are being uploaded to the server as attachments as I am already reaching the point where drive space is going to be an issue and I will soon have to upgrade my hosting plan.
I upped the size limit to 12MB a while back. I really can't go any larger for images that are being uploaded to the server as attachments as I am already reaching the point where drive space is going to be an issue and I will soon have to upgrade my hosting plan.
Dont do it. The pics are fine as is.
Nice to have met you Dave. Hope you got home ok with the battery issue. We need to ride again sometime.
Yes definitely. Thanks for getting me going on the cold Sunday morning. I guess the high compression, thick cold oil and the 3 year old battery proved to be a less than effective combination. It started fine for the rest of the day but it wasn't fun wondering if it would start again every time we stopped for gas. New battery on the way and thankfully Dahveed accompanied me on the way home.
I had a great time. I learned that packing my camping gear shouldn't be done when I'm rushed and trying to leave. I managed to leave my sleeping bag and my fleece jacket at home which seemed particularly relevant considering how cold it turned. I froze the first night and moved in to the ranch house on night 2 and 3. Thanks to the David's for the warm (literally) hospitality. :)

I'd be remiss if I didn't give a shout out to @MacDaddy . I followed him on Friday and Saturday rides and he never ceases to amaze me with his ability to find great routes with roads I haven't ridden in areas that I thought I had ridden pretty extensively. It's a wonderful luxury to just show up and know you're going to have an awesome ride. I know he enjoys making the routes, but I just wanted to say that I really enjoy them.
You will have to change name to freezerama 2020, eh?

Was supposed to be global warming by now right.
Your girl friend is a good video editor. Far too many videos are just long drawn out boring stuff. That was much better!
That's a cool video, Ocho. Thanks for doing all of that. Gave me flashbacks of all the good riding we did.
A little late to the party on this but I had a great time and haven't stopped thinking about the past weekend yet. A special thanks to Rod for all the time and effort to put this together. If I wasn't in the witness protection program I would have made the group photo but alas that's the way it goes on the down low.

I had the pleasure of leading around some good riders and great guys. I hate to single anyone out for special mention because the others are great too but wow Jarrett on that VFRX. It's was like you jumped up two or three levels compared to riding the AT. And Ocho, how did you keep the others even in sight let alone on their tails often with just 300cc? Riding with Rich, Liteitup, 2WheelNut, Davheed and TXoilman is always a pleasure.

Special thanks to Destination Cycle for hosting us Saturday morning and I was impressed with the prices posted on the used bikes. If I'm looking for a new Yamaha or Suzuki in the future I'll certainly check them out

After last weekend, I guess I'll can start that 12-step program now.
I hate to single anyone out for special mention because the others are great too but wow Jarrett on that VFRX. It's was like you jumped up two or three levels compared to riding the AT.
Thanks. Not sure what it is about that bike. It makes going faster in the corners a good bit easier for me than the AT. And of course, its much faster/quicker in a straight line as well when a botch a corner. Maybe its just in my head. Also, maybe if I slow down, the rear tire will last more than 3500 miles :)

Chasing you fast guys all weekend really pushed me out of my comfort zone and helped me up my abilities a bit, much appreciated.

And Ocho, how did you keep the others even in sight let alone on their tails often with just 300cc?
I rode all weekend with Ocho and he impressed me quite a bit on that 300. Showed me its more about the rider than the bike.

All weekend he was riding with folks that had 4-6 times the displacement that he had and he was right there the whole time. There were a few times I heard people saying, after riding with him all day, "Wait... that's just a 300!?!"
Great riding. Was a little shocked to turn my flashlight on Sunday morning to realize I could see my breath while trying to let it set in that I have a 6 hour ride home. Lol


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Last Thursday I rode my Goldwing 670 miles from my home in Russellville, AR to the Super 8 in Kerrville, TX. When I pulled up I say a bunch of bikes and a bunch of riders sitting outside swapping lies and I knew I was among friends. I connected with Jarrett and Ocho and rode the 3 Sisters on Friday, another 315 or so miles. After a good visit on Friday night and a lot of new friendships made, I headed slowly north Saturday morning. I sat down at a picnic table in Luckenbach with a cup of coffee and mapped my way back. I enjoyed many little roads I otherwise never would have taken between there ad Llano, where I had lunch. I took some other backroads to Marble Falls, and then headed north towards home. I made it to Waxahachie by 7:30 and found a room. It was 41 when I left Sunday morning. Electric gear and wind protection are wonderful things. I went home on the scenic route through Paris Texas and the SE Oklahoma Ouchita mountains. If you haven’t visited OK highway 2 and 1 you really should. I took the parkway across Winding Stair to Arkansas. (Talamena Parkway) and with a slight detour through Greenwood Arkansas made it home at 7:30 Sunday night. The 4 day trip was 1824 miles. The weather was pretty good for the time of year. I enjoyed the good roads that the Hill Country had to offer but the best part of all was the new friends I made who frequent this forum. Thank you all for welcoming me and making my trip so fun.




Willow City Loop
Last Thursday I rode my Goldwing 670 miles from my home in Russellville, AR to the Super 8 in Kerrville, TX. When I pulled up I saw a bunch of bikes and a bunch of riders sitting outside swapping lies and I knew I was among friends. I connected with Jarrett and Ocho and rode the 3 Sisters on Friday, another 315 or so miles. After a good visit on Friday night and a lot of new friendships made, I headed slowly north Saturday morning. I made it to Waxahachie by 7:30 and found a room. I enjoyed the good roads that the Hill Country had to offer but the best part of all was the new friends I made who frequent this forum. Thank you all for welcoming me and making my trip so fun.

This was one of several highlights of my trip last weekend. I've been retelling this story to my family and friends all week. "He randomly rode in from Arkansas on the same day we did and just happened to get the hotel room next to ours and just like that, we made a new riding buddy!"

That's something I've noticed during my first year of riding, that many motorcycle folks are very welcoming, especially in the touring/sport touring/ADV/DS world. Folks just walk up and start talking to each other about motorcycles and the next thing you know, you've got a new friend. This forum certainly embodies that. I have to admit it's pretty cool to be part of something like that.

Now I'm trying to figure out when I can get the VFR up to Russellville :)
Last week I had lunch at Two Fat Brothers BBQ in Camp Wood. Today I’m having lunch in Oark Arkansas. I’m living the good life. Now I have to figure out which pie to eat. Hmmm
I jus couldnt resist adding a couple more to the list...today. The first being something we dont normally think of as purty.... Wildfires destroy countless acres every year.... But amongst the ashes.....





These are from the county rd section at the end of FM3509 Hoover Valley Rd coming down the hill.
I couldnt get any better shots due to all the curves & traffic

One of the best roads for bluebonnets hasta be FM2341....jus loaded with em

These 2 from near the end at Canyon of the Eagles
A bit too far north for Strom A Thon really...but still purty


Burnet CR206
The Ghostly place....not too scary now...huh


The blues & yellows on 206 were pretty solid near Lake Victor.
Home just after 7pm with anuther 300 mi on the Ten.... Nice day
2019 will be my last year hosting Strom A Thon. It needs a fresh direction to remain the fun for all event that it has been these past years.
If you would like to take the reigns...I'll gladly let ya.

Huge thanx to all those who've been a part of Strom A Thons.... From the beginning with Timbercat in charge...thru this year's event..... It was all great fun
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