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HOUSTON: Clear Lake Bike Night Wednesday

Good luck to you Aaron up in Leaky. Sorry I missed dinner yesterday. I got back to town 4:00 Am Wednesday after 1110 miles Tuesday from the east side of South Carolina to League City. I needed to spend some quality time :trust: with the bride. Here's a picture of the track of my ride back east.


I would recommend the Cherahola, Dragon, Blue Ridge Parkway and Skyline to anyone during the summer. Even though it seemed like the surface of the sun when in the city, once you got up above it on the parkways, the temperature was almost perfect. Barbers Motorcycle Museum was great and worth the visit. Stay away from the Outer Banks unless you like the touristy, slow traffic, waiting in line sort of thing.
Hey, Joe, glad you're back safe and sound. Looks like you had a great ride (hope you got pics to share). Good turnout last night: Aaron, Alan, Chris, George, Mike, myself, and new guy, Chuck (another dual-sporter). The fish tacos were diminutive, they ran out of iced-tea, and the eye-candy was fair at best, but they did have the fans on, and we had a good time anyway. When Aaron announced his planned ride to the Three Sisters, the group was full of praise and encouragement, with nothing but positive support for his quest. It was truly heartwarming, and I think George even shed a tear. I'm sure Chuck must have felt blessed to be amongst such a close group.
Sorry you missed us, and I won't be there next week (trip to Florida), but maybe I'll catch up with you on the next one.
oh yeah lots of real encouraging comments


Have you lost your mind?

Are ***** Crazy?

Do you have a death wish?

Make sure you have you cell phone on you and not on your bike...so when you find your self lying in the ditch you can maybe call someone...if you have cell coverage.

Thanks for all the encouragement.

Oh i did ride my bike to work today from clearlake to 290 and the beltway.. not too bad ...just hot...i can't wait for the heat at 5 pm today.

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oh yeah lots of real encouraging comments


Have you lost your mind?

Are ***** Crazy?

Do you have a death wish?

Make sure you have you cell phone on you and not on your bike...so when you find your self lying in the ditch you can maybe call someone...if you have cell coverage.

It really, REALLY surprises me that anyone in this group would even ask questions like this ...

because everyone already knows the answers! :lol2:
Well where are you guys going to meet this week? Sorry but Chris and I will not be there as we trying to get our bikes out of the SNOW in Colorado!


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Well where are you guys going to meet this week? Sorry but Chris and I will not be there as we trying to get our bikes out of the SNOW in Colorado!

As snow goes, that is some nasty looking stuff. Reminds me of the plowed, grimy piles we played king of the mountain on when I was a kid. Looks like a good time, though.

I will once again be a no-show. Going on my 5th week in New Orleans. Missing riding, but my latest addition would keep me from riding anyway.


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damm david wth happened?

George and Chris that looks worse than sand.

so where this week.. are we going back to same place?
Yikes David! Hope you mend well (and soon!). AND...it goes without saying - ifyou NEED someone to keep that pretty BMW exercised and rolling while your on the mend...(I'm kidding!). Heal and be well!

Rumors of my demise have been greatly exagerated...I will try to make heads and tails this coming Wednesday night. Look forward to seeing you guys!

Craig aka equipment junkie
damm david wth happened?

Gravity plus a 12 ft ladder. MCP joint with *hopefully* only a partial ligament tear (thumb attempted to touch wrist). Awful lot of fiberglass just to keep a little thumb from moving.

Yikes David! Hope you mend well (and soon!). AND...it goes without saying - ifyou NEED someone to keep that pretty BMW exercised and rolling while your on the mend...(I'm kidding!). Heal and be well!

Thx. Now we know how your collection really got started. I tried to get on it Monday morning. One attempted clutch squeeze was what told me it was time to visit a doctor.
Wow David...heal quickly!

IF...and it's a big IF I can get away from work in time I will be there .... on my bike!!! I know...rather amazing huh??
What the .... I go out of town for one week, and you guys get stuck in the snow, David breaks his hand, and we get a couple rare guest appearances? That's it; I'm staying put for the rest of the summer!
dang David, sorry to hear about the hand.

Leave it to an enginerd to post with an "attached thumbnails" picture of...well..... an attached thumbnail.

You guys are so literal..

Did our intrepid explorer make it out to Leakey last week??

Back on topic - where are we meeting tonight?
If I didn't know better I would say today was Monday...going to be another long day so I am setting my sites on joining you next week!
Chris and I and Terry will be there next Wed. with some tales from Colorado! We may even have some photos. I guess Heads and Tails has become our meeting place til SSBG's opens back up? See you guys and gals there!:eat:
Looks like I'll be there also. Looking forward to the ride report, George.
You guys still planning on meeting at Heads N Tails? 6:30 ish or so? If I'm not baby sitting my grandson tonight - I'll try to make it...

...sup boyz??? :mrgreen:

probably not gunna make it...suprise...suprise...

BUT we're gunna ride the SHNF again... :giveup: ...i've been hit'n the trails & singletrack almost every weekend for the last ten weeks :rider:


...also i've heard sum gud reports about the party & scenery over at Sam's Boat on the other side of the lake :trust: u may want to try it one Wednesday.

Kenzo, Sam's Boat is for the younger crowd, loud party type atmosphere, I don't think it's the kinda place we're looking for. We can give it a try if you guys want? I'll be at Heads N Tails tonight with a ride report from Colorado, I think Chris will have some photos also, look forward to seeing everyone!:eat::rider:
Yeah, who want's to look at a bunch of hot young women partying anyway? :eek2:

Kenny, good ride at the forest this weekend. Wish I could do it more often, then maybe I'd be in better shape. :doh:

Joe, Chuck, where were you guys? It was a faster bunch this time out, and the trails were in great shape after the bit of rain we had.

I'm on days again, so I guess I'll see you fellers at Head's n' Tails this week.
:rider: :eat:
I left you a message, but I had a late start and figured you where already out there. I showed up a little before noon at the west trails and noone really out there. I did a back and forth between two parking lots then headed to the east parking lot.
I was doing a loop out there, but I didn't bring nearly enough water for a 100 degree day. I got dizzy as **** and luckly a couple came by on a 4 wheeler and had some extra water.

The trails I have been to are nothing like these. I had a blast, even if they did beat the **** outa me, heh. My legs are pretty sore, one part must have had like 20 woops in a row. Sorry I couldn't meet up with you guys, but if y'all were a fast crowd I probably woulda just slowed you down.

Next time I am going to bring a ton of water with me.
Man, I wanted to go, but we are going to Ft. Davis next weekend for our anniversary and the Maxima needed new shoes AND new rear wheel hubs. Those things can be a real b*$&@ if they have rusted on. Sorry I missed this though, SHNF is a great place to ride. I would have slowed you guys down too!