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Cuatro Viejos and Hooliah too...

Well I just noticed this thread yesterday so I'll try to catch up a bit with a few videos.

RG had mentioned the various animals one will encounter while traveling the back roads of Mexico. Here are a few examples:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJFNYZWAa9o"]Mexico 2012 Animals on Mexico Roads - YouTube[/ame]
As noted earlier our first breakfast in Mexico (for this trip) was in Santiago at Las Palomas, a cool town with a lot of history. They had a pretty nice nativity scene in the town square:


Inside Las Palomas RG is checking out the art:


As we were gearing up to leave these two kids were circling us on minibikes. One of them could wheelie all day long and was showing off for us. I didn't get the best ones on video but here you can see the kid up front on the left wheeling down the hill as they escort us out of town:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9QsXL3K5DM"]Mexico 2012 Escort out of town D2.wmv - YouTube[/ame]

Who would leave a beer can at a memorial you ask?????


Ok, Ok, I'd feel guilty leaving you guys with the impression that RG would do such a thing. Heck, he was probably just taking a leak....:mrgreen:
--again I kid--
Miltons popularity was also discussed. Here's a typical cruz through town (Cienega de Sanchez in this case). Miltons old friend is Fito, the owner of a local restaurant who was also a rodeo star in his youth. He set us up with a place to stay in Cienega.:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvTOX2kOhZE"]Mexico 2012 Milting Finding Fito - YouTube[/ame]

Dinner in Cienega was next to impossible to find at 8pm. We rode up and down the main street looking for anything open. We saw a gathering at one place so stopped in the street to have a look. It was a private party and the girls where hooting at us. I sure wanted to get a closer look but wiser heads prevailed and we continued on. We did find a roadside stand selling corn on the cob. They smeared mayonnaise, cheese and some sort of ranchero sauce on it. I was pretty hungry and actually thought about sneaking into Miltons bag and stealing the 2 day old chicken sandwich he'd been carrying around but decided I'd go for the corn. To my surprise it was really good. One piece of corn isn't about to fill me up so I also bought their version of a frito chili pie. They opened a bag of corn chips and poured in mayonnaise, cheese and ranchero sauce. I should have had another piece of corn.....

This is where JT first discoverd Cabrito:

No not the kind you eat, this kind:

He bought two bottles of the stuff but only had room on the bike to carry one so we were forced to drink the other. :trust: I think it was all part of his master plan to have a good "get to know ya" session.

JT and RG enjoying some instant coffee, none of the resturants were open at 8am so they had to improvise.

Here's Milton is making new friends to visit with on his next trip. This guy was the owner of the cabana we stayed at in Cienega.
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Galeana was awesome as usual, I've been there many times and really enjoy the town. I had a unique experience this time as I was talking to the receptionist in the Hotel Magdalena. I actually can't speak a lick of Spanish so when one of my Spanish speaking cohorts isn't around I whip out my phone and use Jibbigo to communicate. It's pretty cool because you can speak into the phone and it translates it to both audio and text. Another great thing about Jibbigo is that the dictionary resides on your phone so cell service is not required to use it as with so many other programs. Anyway, I was asking the receptionist where I could buy a padlock. I think she was so freaked out that my phone was talking to her that she really wasn't getting that I was asking her this question. During this repeated exchange this random little kid (Omar, 9yrs I think), who had been listening, started speaking to me in Spanish and motioning for me to follow him. Again I don't speak Spanish so I had no idea what he was telling me but he seemed to know what he was talking about and I was up for the adventure. We walked out on the square, around the corner and up to the next block where we walk into a shoe store. About this time I'm getting the feeling that he misunderstood what a padlock was. Just as I was about to bail he started talking to the women behind the counter who I soon figured out was his mother. He was basically just checking in and letting her know that he was taking this gringo to get a padlock. She smiled and told him to say in English "Follow Me" so I did. Another block up we walked into a hardware store where he said a few words to the clerk who in turn handed me a padlock! While we waited to pay Omar was talking but again I'm not really understanding. I did get the idea that he was talking about games and toys. Since he was so helpful I gave him a 20 peso bill (about 1.50US) and he took off across the street to the toy store to buy a toy pistol. As I walked back to the hotel I stopped by the shoe store to let his mom know that Omar had done good and also that this strange gringo did not kidnap her son. I got the feeling that the latter though hadn't even crossed her mind. Something you wouldn't see here in the states.

Omar and his new toy gun:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spvIDZjYNNg&list=UUhsiAJH_rMQJf4SXPWoyYpA&index=2"]Mexico 2012 Omar and Tigger - YouTube[/ame]

All that Cabrito, so much guilt:

I was doing my best to stay out of trouble myself:

Nativity scene in Galeana:


RG always willing to lend a hand:

And to those wondering if it's really safe in Mexico, I guess it could be debated all day but here's one good example. This is where Miltons bike stayed all night:

Here's a closer look:
Hey Stingray, was wondering if Jibbigo has a Spanish to English feature? Great stories and pics by everyone on the trip. Really enjoying 'em.
A small part of the arroyo to Aramberi.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJhcycmXhYU"]Mexico 2012 Arroyo to Aramberi - YouTube[/ame]

It was neat to see how the ranchers use the land.

RG checking out a house:


Milton had mentioned the two guys we saw carrying water up the hill to their house. Here's the well:
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78YkXVsZnCc"]Mexico 2012 Water Well - YouTube[/ame]


While waiting for RG and JT some confetti blew by so I dressed up the 690 a bit:

I dog walked by and let me know what he thought about it:

OK, think I'm all caught up. Over to you RG!
Hey Stingray, was wondering if Jibbigo has a Spanish to English feature? Great stories and pics by everyone on the trip. Really enjoying 'em.

Yes it does. You can purchase various languages, I bought the Spanish/English package and it translates both ways.
Hey Stingray, I like the picture of the KTM with the Fiesta Confetti on it :rofl: It's drinking that spiked orange kool-aid :rider:
A few more pics from the Gold Standard Route from Laguna de Sanchez to Galeana,








the asphalt coming into Rayones,



Scott and RG shoe shopping,

spotted this AC unit installed to code on the telephone pole,

Scott, Omar and Tigger,
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Milpillas Road, approaching Milpillas from the West. The dramatic sharp conered peak is El Viejo, I believe, which overlooks Zaragoza.
Here's some video of the road into Milpillas (the picture above):

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nqnH8nuLB4&list=UUhsiAJH_rMQJf4SXPWoyYpA&index=7"]Mexico 2012 Road into Milpillas - YouTube[/ame]
In regards to the request for maps you might want try McCreery Aviation at the McAllen Airport, they used to have a decent selection of maps covering Mexico.
A large part of their Customer base is from Mexico.

The community of Milpillas, nestled down in the fold of the hills.
Videos really help put this post together. Great pictures too.

Thanks again. I can't remember why I didn't go, but I know I was dumb not to.
Mesa de Osa road streches across the mountainside dead center.
Maybe I should call it the Cebolla Road.
Las Colimas peaks (the fangs) loom behind.

A few more pics from the Gold Standard Route from Laguna de Sanchez to Galeana,


This is the valley that connects Rayones with Saltillo
There is a route over the top of the facing ridge in the distance.

View from Mesa del Oso ??

Do you remember where you shot this, John ?

YeGads. No wonder the women folk run gather up their children when we roll in.
Scott's photo

Sorry, Scott. But don't you worry. We'll go for help. You hang in there, buddy.
Senor Scott. Right thees way por favor

Scott's photo

Stingray showing good form on new black top into Rayones.
JT's photo.


Will someone get us to Aramberi ?.
The plaza in downtown Galeana with it's two hotels.
Magdelena in red to the left,
and The Jardin in newly painted yellow to the right.

Scott's photo

Scott, Omar and Tigger,

Now you've got a friend, Scott. Stay in touch.
Will someone get us to Aramberi ?
Ok, I will.

After the Arroyo road, and our premature dissemination, we regrouped in Milpillas and there being nothing that looked like a store, we parked our bikes in the road and ate power bars.
John and RG explained their 2 hr disappearance with an unlikely story about the KLR falling off the road and down the hill.

Then we went thru a whole bunch of water.
I visited the house I spent the night in back some 5 years ago. Here's the Link to that story
Then we rode past San Raphael out to the pavement and hooked 'em to Aramberi.
The music was loud. Feria time in Aramberi. John didn't wanna stay. It was late in the day and we pressured him into staying.
Checked into the Maria Luisa.

There, we're in Aramberi.