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FZ1 Owners...Pros/Cons

hey johnny, you can still trade with me for a week if you want.

i have roadraced and raced MX so am not an amateur rider....
(also, i am close to 50 years old.) i'll take the V-Rod for a swap as the honda, i have ridden its cousin many times...

also, i "choose" to commute to work on a bike most everyday.
my FZ1 will be a very used example compared to most, but it is still a 2nd gen FZ1....
(it has run low 10's at the dragstrip and has done more than a half dozen trackdays.)

fyi i appreciate some of the other offered examples but lets put something in perspective:
i like exotic vehicles. i have never owned a toyota but i will compare the FZ1 to a celica supra turbo....not my pride and joy but i can put 100K miles on it (check the fz1 owners website.) and it is fun to own and will need nearly zero spent to maintain.

i am lucky, i can afford whatever i want. (my commuter cars have included new porsches and amg mercedes.)
i have owned this FZ1 for nearly 4 years and it "only" has 25Kmiles.
today, i dont see another bike i would trade mine in on. (if there was i would.)
its miles are so low (to me) because i own several vehicles.
wife calling, gotta go, let me know if you want to borrow my bike.
another one last thing....
i have ridden a v-rod before.
i have owned several harley davidson bikes since new.
the last two i recently owned are from 1960 and 1948.
:mrgreen: hf
Sounds great, I even like the color! This week rainy, next Thursday thru Sunday I am headed to The Hill Country for some riding and at this point plan to take the ROD. So it might have to be the week of Oct.5th. Unless this weather clears up a bit. I will ride my bike in the rain but not someone else. I sat on one at the dealer on Friday, it fits me well. I like everthing I read about it but you just don't know until you put some miles in the seat.
I like everthing I read about it but you just don't know until you put some miles in the seat.

on that note, i have two different seats for mine!
and mine is sitting in the pouring rain as i type....
(it wasnt raining when i left for work at 5:00 am.)
cheers, haas
The wife and I rode 2 days in off/on rain in the Hill Country until we came to a road closed sign due to high water. We decided to return home. We went back 2 weeks later to finish what we started. We would stop and put on the rain gear, then stop and take it off and repeat. I decided to just leave mine off because I would get too hot. I will sent you a PM with my contact info so when we do get together you will have it. Thanks
I have the Harley touring seat on the V-ROD and it is more comfy than the Honda seat I had gel installed. I also have the Quick remove low profile windshield and passenger backrest not shown in my pic.
gixxerjasen where did you get your insurance? I just paid about 1200 with progressive. that included 25000 medical, 500 deductible on comprehensive and collision. plus the liability stuff of course. Had to go with the comp and col cause its financed :doh:
Progressive. I dropped collision because hopefully it'll be the other guy's fault. And for what first gen FZ1's go for on the market, the extra cost of the coverage plus the deductible just wasn't worth it. If I bin it, I'll fix/replace it.

On your medical coverage, is that PIP?
No that's 25,000 worth of medical payments regardless of fault. Their pip option only covered like 2,500 which is basically nothing if you get jacked up, and since i don't have medical insurance....self employed you know. Seriously though that was like nearly half of the coverage cost. I'd probably drop the collision if it wasn't financed. Mine is a 2009 with only 4300 miles on it. So far I LOVE IT. twobros carbon slip on, juicebox, fender eliminator, pazzos. Wanting to do a lot more to it than the pocket book allows. I think the fly mod might be a cheap power boost though: http://copperdawg.com/Gallery.htm

By the way, you're not too far from me. Where do you ride?
i havent done the "flies" mod yet. should have done it back when i tinkered with the bike more but now i just ride it.... future mods for me will be a shock and fork work.

regarding insurance i paid cash and only keep liability on my bikes. i pay about $65 a year with gieco. (but i am old and have an excellent driving record.)

jpw, that would be a lot of it. I have health coverage so I don't carry that option. Plus you having a 2009 I imagine has a lot to do with the comp & col as well. I'm running a 2003 so my stuff would be considerably less.

Nope, not too far from Allen, I'm in the Mesquite area. Sadly, with the new baby and lots of things going on, I only really ride to and from work at the moment. Been on a few pie runs with twtex and I used to go ride 455 when I had time.

Welcome to the site, check out the pie runs. Usually good long rides with fun roads in between and good eating when you get there. Usually folks from the DFW area get together and make them group rides so look around and hook up with some of us/them when you get a chance. There's also a weekly DFW meet and greet that I haven't managed to make it to, but you can meet some of the folks there as well.
Nice road that 455. There's some great short loops west of McKinney that I run through when I get a chance. Went to hill country in May and a couple of months ago went up to OK - ARK hills area which was pretty nice. But all that on the 03 Tiger 955i. Looking forward to hitting the twisties on the fazer.

Thanks for the pie runs reference. I'll check that out. I also have 2 kiddos (8 and 10) so my rides are not as often, but probably more than you with a baby! That's a life changer for sure.
He sounds French. I think they have to have all their bikes neutered there to 100HP. Seems likely. Mine has carbs, so no buttons for me to push.
Instructions from the video: FZ1 Change from 100HP to 150HP mode.

Press an hold both the select and reset button, turn on key
the HI will flash, continue to hold for 5 seconds
displays D1 - release buttons
Press an hold both the select and reset button for 5 seconds
displays d:01 - release buttons
press reset to scroll to 63
press select quickly followed by the reset
displays d:70 - hold for 20 seconds until engine light flashes
the select toggles between solid engine light(100hp) and flashing(150hp)
turn off key to save

Is this because some of the countries where the FZ1 is imported they have a limit of 100HP? Does the US models come set to 150?
Hmmm. My bike seems pretty dang fast already. It must be set at 150 but I probably won't be able to resist checking this out. IF any of you texas FZ1 Gen2 riders try it post your results plz.
Check Marine Underwiters. They put me with a company called American Standard and I pay $413 a year for Comp and Collision for an 09 KLR and 09 FZ1. Since I have TRI-Care from the Army, I waived the P.I.P. and then upped the deductible. GEICO wanted over a grand, while Progressive wanted to "progressively" empty my wallet for $1500. So it is a bit of a gamble, as I have to go six months without making a claim with American to break even. Meaning the KLR has a Five Hundred Dollar deductible while the Fizzy has a Grand. So, the deductible would be offset by the saving in premiums after six months. Since I have more than one bike, and spend a lot of time overseas, I saw it as an acceptable risk.
Ghost Rider, if you can get away with it, make sure to drop that collision while you are overseas. If you are not riding it, you can't crash it, so why pay for the extra insurance? Put it back on when you get back home. Also, make sure your insurance company knows you are headed out of the country and the bikes are going into storage. If your not putting miles on them, the cost is less. We did this with my father-in-law with his car when he had his surgery on his Achilles Tendon and was out of commission for six months. Saved him quite a bit of cash during that time period.
That's what I thought. I remember reading about the Gixxer 1000 and thinking....that's less hp than a 600 puts out.
Question for those who have rode both the FZ6 and FZ1.

>Are the ergonomics of the two bikes pretty much the same? Looks like from reading the specs the 1 is about thirty pounds heaver and less than an inch taller seat hieght. Does that translate into a great difference?

>Aside from the hp/tq and mpg how do the two compare? When looking at used there dosn't seem to be a huge difference in the price of the two.

>Is there any benifit from getting the six over the one?

I will be looking for a street bike for my wife before long and was consider something with an up right seating position like the FZ class.
You are talking 600cc vs 1000cc, so big differences in torque and mpg will be there. I sat on the two new ones and I actually found the FZ1 to be more comfortable, despite my short stature.