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Mum-mum-mum-mah 2021 Honda Trail 125

I had both on my Royal Enfield. I kicked it mostly just to prove I am a man. :rofl: It had like 8.1 compression.

I really like your bike and love the gas mileage.
The wife on her PCX


She thinks she's gonna ride my Trail 125 :lol2:
No. Just no.


Just out of curiosity what did the Pasadena dealer make you give for the Trail?
Humm I seemed to have missed the development of various new models and underestimated these bikes. I guess because the original NC700s were reported to be underpowered commuter bikes and that did not get me excited. These newer versions look great and obviously get you out there and camping off the pavement, which is the extent of my offroading my GSA anyway, since they are hard to pick up, even if its in your driveway :-). I bet the 750 still gets great fuel economy. And DCT offered as well :-)
I gassed up only for the second time today. I gassed up at 218 on the speedo so 118 miles since the last fuel up. The Trail returned 103 mpg. Not bad! What was bad was that gas went up 6 cents since last weekend at $3.96. Mileage is going slow as I mostly commute on the little beast with a few short rides in between. My commute is 1 mile one way so... Yeah. Best 5 minutes of my life! (that's what she said)
I finally went out for a ride! I commute with my Trail pretty much every day but I just haven't been able to get out for a real ride. It's done! I did a 30 mile loop going through downtown and riding out west on Memorial outside the loop before going back south and east. I found out that if you get out really enough and plan your route some, you can actually ride in the shade for a good while.


I just jumped the curb for the picture. The tires don't inspire confidence on gravel. Everything else is good.


Not a lot of traffic - and that's the way uh huh uh huh I like it

amazing gas mileage. Cool little bike. Reminds me of my 1972 Trail 90 I bought new back in the day, but then I saw the rear disc brake!
You mean how much I paid for the Trail? $5,100 OTD.
Dang, I paid around $400 for my Trail 90 new in 72. $2200 for a brand new 1972 Ford Courier pickup OTD. Inflation over the years has been rough. New Ford trucks are over 15x that I'd imagine and maybe not any more reliable than the Mazda built courier. I loved that thing!
Dang, I paid around $400 for my Trail 90 new in 72. $2200 for a brand new 1972 Ford Courier pickup OTD. Inflation over the years has been rough. New Ford trucks are over 15x that I'd imagine and maybe not any more reliable than the Mazda built courier. I loved that thing!
Sure but that's a 125 cc not a 90 cc.

But yes, even if you factor in inflation, it's expensive. And then you add bs dealer fees because, you know, it's "rare." 🙄
Broadway Powersports in Tyler had 2 Trail 125's on the floor two weeks ago, both now sold.
I took the Trail for a spin this morning. I did less than 10 miles but it took me a half hour. Odometer stands at 372 - in 5 months. Don't get me wrong: I love the thing. It just takes time racking up miles on it. While I can see the appeal of riding it in Wyoming or Colorado, I think it would be too slow in some portions. I wonder if it could make it to the top of some of those passes I made it to on the XSR700.

What's funny is when I ride my wife's PCX, I feel that this is all the bike I need. Then I ride the XSR700 and I know this is all the bike I need. Then I ride the Trail 125 and, for sure, this is all the bike I need. I keep going round and round. :lol2:
Beautiful evening for a ride. I decided to go check out Beard Papa's. It's a cream puff bakery located in Chinatown. It did not disappoint. I went all the way by having a profiterole cream puff - it's a chocolate covered puff with ice cream in it instead of custard. It's usually vanilla ice cream but they had different flavors to choose from so I picked chocolate. Delicious!

I would have sworn Beard Papa's was Korean. They are Japanese:

Several locations in the Houston area.


I went and got breakfast tacos on the Trail this morning. I had a chance to open up the throttle and I clocked in at 55 mph. I'm not sure if it could go another 1 or 2 mph because it took some time to go from 54 to 55. I think a Super Cub would be faster and that it should break 60 mph.

I am thinking about buying the seat from the Super Cub and put it on the Trail. The Trail has more cushion but I don't care much for its shape.
I went and got breakfast tacos on the Trail this morning. I had a chance to open up the throttle and I clocked in at 55 mph. I'm not sure if it could go another 1 or 2 mph because it took some time to go from 54 to 55. I think a Super Cub would be faster and that it should break 60 mph.

I am thinking about buying the seat from the Super Cub and put it on the Trail. The Trail has more cushion but I don't care much for its shape.
I wanted one of the older ones. No luck yet on a reasonable one. No food pics?:photo: