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Nueces Canyon+ Adventure ride II, November 13th & 14th

Sounds like fun!

I would be happy to host a dual sport tech day/BBQ at my place here in San Antonio. Just need to wait tilll my broken bones are healed so I can actually work on the bikes and cook the food as well as heft up a beer or two. I've already been back to the doctor to modify my 2 casts and have made some custom modifications myself! Probably won't be ready to hold a mass gaggle until after Christmas.

PS I have a bunch of deer and hog meat in the freezer waiting to be smoked on the BBQ so lets plan on an early January ride and post-ride get-together.

Mr NewBill
6850 Crested Quail
San Antonio, TX 78250

I'm in. Heal quickly :sun::sun:
Thanks Bill, can't wait to be there :eat3:, sounds fantastic! Speaking of those cast modifications how many "cheek :haha: pinches" did ya get at the clinic?

Also, here's a shout-out to our Fearless Leader Senor Avant who has to be the finest Route Planner/Hot :bow: Rider/Gracious Host around. Happy Trails on your Great California Excursion! :bigokay: V>>>
I'm ready to head out, the Mojave desert is going to get rain tomorrow so the conditions Sunday should be great for my first D37 desert enduro.

And next week I'll try and show the LA Barstow Vegas dual sporters how Texans do it.

Vance I still owe you a sticker. I'm scared of that crossing. I don't want to have to add MOSS to my handle.

I'll be ready or NewBills when I get back. We need to get that blue bike back in shape.
Hurry up & come back so's I can add " MOSS " to yer handle..........10-4? :rider: Don't forget to go 10-100 on the side , But don't fall off the mountian ! I'll be on 10-12/10-23 here in San Antonio. You guy's be 10-0.
sanderjavant: We couldn't send a better rep to CA....:clap: Keep the shiney parts up and give them H___:rofl: on the LA-Barstow_Vegas. :sun: Good Luck!!!!
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bpayne13 - Mr. Newbill , test rode a black 03' kawasaki Z-1000 yesterday for my cousin @ his shop , got back to the shop & asked to see the title and low & behold guess who's name is on it? you got it - Mr.Newbill. I told him i know this guy i rode with him just last sat.& sun. he ( marcus ) thought i was joking untill i showed him the pic's of our ride. he recognized you in your picture. small town huh ? :rider:
Hey Guys, Methinks we should call ourselves the "Nueces Canyon Gang" for several reasons. First, to honor our Fearless Leader Sander J. Avant and to confirm that each of us "earned our stripes" on that ride last week, except for that wheelie-popping show-off Mosscliff.
Also, something tells me that Mr. Newbill is going to get pretty itchy for a ride sooner than later-- anybody have access to a sidecar? :mrgreen: V>>>
bpayne13 - Mr. Newbill , test rode a black 03' kawasaki Z-1000 yesterday for my cousin @ his shop , got back to the shop & asked to see the title and low & behold guess who's name is on it? you got it - Mr.Newbill. I told him i know this guy i rode with him just last sat.& sun. he ( marcus ) thought i was joking untill i showed him the pic's of our ride. he recognized you in your picture. small town huh ? :rider:

yep, that black z-1000 was mine. it was a great bike. sold it when i bought my 2010 honda fury chopper. now i need to fix my klr. needs a new left side panel, a mirror, and some frame guard straightening. can't do it till my hands are healed.

looking forward to our next hill country adventure

mr newbill
OK Moss-Face, Now you're keeping me from cleaning my UNI...you started this, again. Boys and girls, what we have here is a faaailure to communicate:headbang:.

If Bossy-Mossy's brain cells were not scattered back there in the creekbed he would remember that the band's name is Vince Vance & The Valiants! Methinks that the Moss-Brain has experienced a blast from the past flashback, so beware he could say or do anything!!! :rofl: V>>>
ANYTHING.....ANYTHING.....ANYTHING.....ANYTHING.....ANYTHING.....ANYTHING..... :nana: Just keep Cleaning your uni & dont' forget clean sock's ! :rofl:
Yes Sir, after searching hi & lo methinks the right horn for me is a Wolo Bad Boy airhorn! Good price @ $39, smaller than a Nautilus Compact and best of all it will definitely Blow-The-Moss Off Your Rear End!!! :rider: V>>>>>>>
anyone live near ingram mall? I need to some assistance getting my crashed KLR out of my van and into the garage to assess the damage and order replacement parts. I'm stuck at home all week since the wife went to ChiCAGO FOR THE BIRTH OF MY GRANDDAUGTER. Sorry for the spelling and caps. Typing with 2 full hand casts sucks.

Mr Newbill
6850 Crested QuaIL
sa, tx, 78250
Vancealot call me so we can plan our " search & rescue " mission. (search for bill's house & rescue klr-650) :help: Whaaat we have here..........is a FAAAAAILURE to COMMUNICATE!.....some VANCEALOT'S you just cant reach..........I dont like it anymore than you men..........but that's the way the VANCEALOT want's it , that's the way the VANCEALOT get's it! - Struther Martin