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3 Amigos Explore NW Colorado

Feb 12, 2013
Reaction score
Monday 9Sep2024

We left the house at our usual crack of dawn 11am. A quick Stop at Gibson’s for ice on our way out of town. There’s a food truck in the parking lot, The Pearl, offering “cajun inspired” food. Snagged two catfish po’boys with fries. Pretty tasty.

It’s one of those rare cool, crisp autumn days in Texas. So John and I have loaded up and are headed to Colorado. 😏

We are joining @LicketySplit for 8 days of remote camping and riding in Dinosaur National Monument, in the NW corner of CO. Some of our exploring will have us wandering around in Utah.

Self sufficient camping for this length of time is a new endeavor for John and I. Other than toilets, the remote campgrounds do not offer potable water or electricity. The nearest town is Dutch John and it doesn’t appear to offer much. Besides, we don’t want to spend our time driving an hour to buy hotdogs and stale chips. We are carrying 12 gallons of drinking water. The big fake Yeti is packed with frozen meat and fresh food-more than enough to last the time needed.

We’re bringing more fuel than water. Wait, is that right? The bikes might be in better shape than the campers. lol

John is bringing his KLX300, I’ve got my Versys 300X and LicketySplit I think settled on his KTM300. The KLX and the Versys are tucked into the 6x12 box trailer that John acquired from fellow inmate @RollingJ

Ice chests and 7 tubs of camp and ride gear and tools also fill the trailer. Two mounted spare tires and a ramp are cabled together in the bed of the truck.

The truck, btw, is an older Tundra I picked up a few months ago. The 5.7 liter engine pulls our crap without complaint.

We hope to make it to Trinidad CO tonight. Right now, we have 270 miles to go. As long as there is no dozing behind the wheel, we will make it.

Ima try to update daily but don’t know if I’ll have signal.

This is the only pic so far



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You are going to have an awesome time! I just got home from a week of motocamping near Cloudcroft. I encountered one day of rain and then just gorgeous weather in the Lincoln National Forest. Enjoy your trip!
I spend a quiet night in Dinosaur National Monument several years ago - wish I'd spent a week like y'all will! The Green River thru there sure is nice.
The bench trail is awsome , and when you get to the east end go up to Deer lodge road and head back west , its actualluy got some very nice camp grounds and is way off the beaten path . But a couple miles from 40 there is a two track going north up into the hills , after a mile or so turn left on another two track , the trail turns north from deer lodge road before mud springs gulch on google earth and your heading to cross mountain south . There is an overlook 1500 feet above the yampa river that is at my top of the list of places to hang your feet off a cliff and listen to the rapids 1500 feet below in the morning the wind coming up from the canyon feels like an air conditioner . There is a trail that cuts south from deer lodge road back to the bench trail a little west of where the little snake river and Yampa river comes together but it took me 3 years to find it . No markings and very old and at one point you will have to open gates and go through corrals . North west colorado rider on adv , Norm Yost knows every trail there is out there . He lives north of Craig . Some really good Mexican food in Craig too , the restarunt on the east bound lane of 40 in Craig just after it splits and turns east a block south of west 40 .

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Yall could sleep in that trailer if you had a screen of some kind. Interested to see yalls camp setup. 🏕 Eating of the proverbial popcorn :popcorn:. That would be good, smokey campfire popcorn.
Yall could sleep in that trailer if you had a screen of some kind. Interested to see yalls camp setup. 🏕 Eating of the proverbial popcorn :popcorn:. That would be good, smokey campfire popcorn.

Just for you, Brian.

We are nothing if not neat freaks


The camp cots reco'd by fellow TWTer are working out great. Comfy even for side sleeper-bony hipped me.


You can see the food locker and LicketySplit's camp too.

I've never camped where a food locker was needed. We complied but it certainly does complicate camp life. Not just food (even canned and spices and the portable grill) but tooth paste, deodorant, basically everything goes in the locker. Our fake yeti is supposedly bear proof, but who wants the ice chest full of food batted around by a bear? So in it went. Thankfully, the next site over is unoccupied, because we took up both halves. 😬
Csgiva 549,
with gratitude, we are using many of Mr. Yost's tracks. It'd be cool to meet up with him.
Our journey from Trinidad to camp took all day. I believe not quite 600 mi. We took "blue highways" as much as possible, so it took a little longer but probably not much because we generally keep speeds to 65 or less when towing.

We passed thru many small towns. I never tire of that. Looking at houses, ranches, hay fields, live stock. Add the dramatic landscapes and very pleasant weather.... a very good day.

Here are some pix. As long as the signal holds out.

The Arkansas River



More later, gotta go ride so that this actually becomes a RIDE report!

Later gators!
I need to see pics of Licketysplat's femur scar, pics of dirt bikes doing cool stuff, pics of your ugly faces....and Gina's pretty face. And pics of choice pieces of meat being cooked up.
