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Talk to me about the R1200GSA

I don't have a R12GSA, but I do ride a R1150GS.
It is less powerful and heaver. There are things the bike does not do as good as other more specific built bikes. But there are few bikes that will go as far hall as much on all kinds of roads at a pace that should be reserved for the specific built bikes. Mine so far is low mileage at 50,000+ has never exploded onto a ball of fire or puked its final drive all over the road.
I have loaded it down to where it looked more like a Mexican pack mule, burred it in mud and sand to where it would have extinguished any final drive fires, bent corners to the point that I have not had any sport bikes getting board behind me, or pass for that matter.
But most of all I have found NO other motorcycle that will take the abuse of drops, gettoffs, or just plane and simple crashes as a GS and when righted back on the tires in the roadway drive way to continue exploring.
Now that may not be impressive to many riders, but when you are in the middle of nowhere and the over loaded pig your riding decides its time to lay down it is a good feeling that after you strain your guts out getting it picked up it will start and continue on. Instead of leaving broken tupperwear in the hole the pig just made.
I have a 2007 R1200GS Adventure. I traded in my '01 R1150GS on it. I had replaced the stock shocks on my 1150 with Adventure length shocks. This allowed more clearance for hopping curbs and such.

I loved my 1150. I rode it from Richmond, Texas to Seattle in 2.5 days. Meaning I pulled into my hotel parking lot near the airport just after noon on the third day. It was fun. I rode it from Houston to Big Bend, removed the bags and rode some of the jeep roads. They would have been more fun on a small dirt bike, but the ride there and back would not have been.

I have not put many miles on my Adventure. I bought it about a year ago and have not had a lot of time to ride. The only thing I don't like about it is the seat. I still have not decided what I want to do about that. So I am hoping it breaks in before I decide to buy another saddle.

I do not consider these bikes dual sport bikes. But I consider them All Road Bikes. Meaning you can ride just about any road out there on these bikes. Without worrying about the gravel being thrown up and chipping the paint on your plastic belly pan.

Buy one, if you are tall enough, you will love it. If you aren't buy a regular GS and get the Adventure tank. I love being able to go 300+ miles between fillups.
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I'm not that tall, only about 6', and I'm inseam-challenged for sure. :D

However, I am used to not being able to really reach the ground from having lots of dirtbikes and stuff. It doesn't phase me really, I can work with it. ;)

I agree with you about the All Road sentiment, that's pretty much what I was thinking as well.

Thanks again for all the feedback, it's been very enlightening.

Now I just need to find someone with one that will let me take it out for a bit. I'll leave you the keys to an '06 M3 as insurance! :D
I'm not that tall, only about 6', and I'm inseam-challenged for sure. :D

However, I am used to not being able to really reach the ground from having lots of dirtbikes and stuff. It doesn't phase me really, I can work with it. ;)

I agree with you about the All Road sentiment, that's pretty much what I was thinking as well.

Thanks again for all the feedback, it's been very enlightening.

Now I just need to find someone with one that will let me take it out for a bit. I'll leave you the keys to an '06 M3 as insurance! :D
I don't have a GSA but you're welcome to ride my VFR while I drive you're M3 :drool:

The R12GS/A and the R12RT are high on my list of 2-up machines. Course I've no need for 2-up as I'm single. but should that change, I'll be shopping.
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I recommend the bike to who ever asks

Yeah! I asked the Duke and then I bought one (07 GSA). I likes it so far. It is definitely a do all bike. These things are pack mules. Load'em up and go pretty much where ya want. I love the wind protection; not too much nor too little. I love the shaft drive; no more chain maint on long hauls. I love the KC135 tank; 8.7 gallons further than my butt will go in one sitting. I love the leg room; my knees have always been the weekest link on my ZRX. I love the bags; take whatever I want. I could go on and on.

My only complaints would be the Harleyesque style turn sig switches, one on each side with the cancel switch on the right. They do self canel though. Still a ****. Also, it's down on raw power. That's just me though. I'd probably get in a lot of trouble with 130hp on a dirt road. I also don't like the stock seat, "butt" that's fixable($). Cost of ownership and reliability are of some concern, but I'll deal with it.

I have 4K miles on mine since late Feb and no problems at all. The bottom line is it could be the last bike I ever need to own. I'm hoping that's NOT the case though. :trust:
You know, once you get Karin on a proper passenger seat there's no way she's getting back on the Busa. ;-)
She loves the Busa! haha

She does like the idea of bike camping too though. As do I. ;)

Lemee know if you wanna trade the V-Strom for the Busa for a weekend, Josh. :D
I'm not sure me on a Busa is a good idea. I bet it could get me in lots of trouble fast. ;-) That and I might have to get one if I ride one. :giveup:
Now I just need to find someone with one that will let me take it out for a bit. I'll leave you the keys to an '06 M3 as insurance!

I live on the far west side of Houston between Richmond and Katy. Let me know when you are going to be in town.
April 5, 2008


(Loaded up and heading to Wild West Honda for Warranty Repair!)

How is the riding season right now for everyone else? Me.... Oh I am enjoying it alot, see....

from Duke Dixon
to service@wildwesthonda.com
date Jun 3, 2008 11:48 PM
subject Status Update, Please
mailed-by gmail.com


Hello there, I am doing my best to be patient and not bug the fire out of you, but I am getting a little anxious.

I dropped my R1200GS Adv off with you on April 5, 2008. I was told that it would be 2 weeks before you could get to it, but you might work it in. And when you were able to get to work on it, it would take about a week. As you know we are now in the first week of June, and we are fast approaching the 2 month milestone of the bike being in your shop. We last spoke a couple of weeks ago and I have not heard from you since.

Can you please give me an update on what is taking so long?

What was the diagnosis?
What parts are being replaced?
How much longer will I be without my bike?

Thank you & Regards,
Duke Dixon
Gotta love them Beemers!!!

Duke, what was wrong with it, and why is it taking so long?
How is the riding season right now for everyone else? Me.... Oh I am enjoying it alot, see....

Man, I feel for you. I missed an April and May in 2005 waiting on warranty work. Stinks.
How is the riding season right now for everyone else? Me.... Oh I am enjoying it alot, see....

Just to put the time in perspective. Do you remember the Flag Stone Patio project that I was starting when you came to pick up the trailer on that picture? The one you help moving stones.... It is done and we have been using it for the last two weekends.

You are definitely a patient man

By my count you've got 25 days to get that thing back...
You know, I was really considering buying the GSA. The wife gave me the nod and I was just waiting on the sale of the DR before I ordered one. Now however, I may have to reconsider. I knew there were issues with the final, but had no idea it was this bad. I can handle the drive failure but not the poor dealer service which seems to be an epidemic with the BMW's. Now I just have to figure out what can fill that void of the universal camp bike for big fat hairy 'ol me.