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Talk to me about the R1200GSA

The R1200GSA? My thoughts?


Not to mention wet panties.
I wanted to put in my 2 cents worth. I went from a VFR to the GS because I couldn't handle straight roads on the VFR (I love curves on that bike), my buddy was dieing to buy it from me, and I now live in Tucson AZ instead of DFW and there are only 4 paved roads leaving this town of 1 million people, but there are many more dirt roads.

I have now had the bike for a year now, and put 14k miles on it, and while it isn't the perfect bike (is there really?), it is pretty dang close. We have hard pack dirt roads here, and the tourances do great on them. Knobbies wouldn't help. I get 11k miles out of a set of tires, and I can take curves at 2x the speed limit and still have 1/4" of tire left. And all that just about the tires.

Handling is great, While I could push a curve much faster in the VFR, I didn't do that many track days and never pushed it that far on the street.

Ergonomics, for me at 6 foot tall, I have bar risers and a laminar lip to extend the wind screen 6 more inches. With that setup I am comfortable on 750 mile days, but I have not gone further that that. Note, the first 50 miles of that day was a mountain pass in CO, loose rock, snow and a thousand foot drop on the left side.

Fuel economy: I get around 49 mpg, 5.5 per tank.
Maintaince: more than a japanese bike, but I am starting to get used to that.

Service: Over all, I think that BMW dealers have some of the best people in the service department. This is a generalization, but from my personal experience, other dealers seem to treat their product as toys and therefore they do not need to get it back to you ASAP, while at the BMW dealers I have worked with have done everything possible to get my daily driver back to me.

Finally, I find the fit and finish of the product to great. We shall see how well the bike does long term, but I think I will be happy with the tractor as I have been happy with my past 15 motorcycles.
I bought a used 2005 r12GS with 3000 miles on it from Wild West in November 07 and have since ran the clock up to 8000+ miles. I did change the final drive lube at 6000 miles and found it to be dark and containing what appeared to be metal finds. I replaced the lube with Castrol Syntec gear lube and plan on checking / replacing the rear lube at 9000 miles.
I love the bike even though I am 5’9” with a 30” inseam I have been able to ride it as I please. I would like to have a different seat or cover the stock one with leather.

If you think you would like the GS, get one I bet you will love it!:rider:
Would you all like an update? Here is a string of emails going back to the begining of June. What would you all do?

On 7/3/08, Duke Dixon <duke.dixon@gmail.com> wrote:
Well... I have cancelled my vacation. Thanks.

How much longer is it going to take? I am officially running out of patience. Please fill me in on what the hold up is, I don't understand why it takes a 60 days to fix a fault code in the computer. You have had my bike for 89 days.

Tell me if I am supposed to be happy about this?

- Hide quoted text -

On 6/28/08, Duke Dixon <duke.dixon@gmail.com> wrote:
Why is this taking so long?

On 6/28/08, Wild West Service <servicewwh@comcast.net> wrote:
Duke, i have received new/revised test prcedures to work before we can get autho to repl the new hydro unit. wiil try these on tues.
regards, dan
----- Original Message -----
From: Duke Dixon
To: Wild West Service
Sent: Saturday, June 28, 2008 1:12 PM
Subject: Re: Status Update, Please

Upate please. I have not heard from you at all this week.
On 6/20/08, Wild West Service <servicewwh@comcast.net> wrote:
Duke, currently every other test drive the abs performs properly with no faults with the exception that the rear brake when used exclusive of the front has no effect above 10 mph. other times we get the same "internal device error" which had occurred earlier resulting in the decision to replace the hydro unit itself. do we have another faulty new hydro-unit? quite possibly. info reported back to bmw na.
regards, dan
----- Original Message -----
From: Duke Dixon
To: Wild West Service
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2008 12:28 PM
Subject: Re: Status Update, Please


What is the status now?


On 6/17/08, Wild West Service <servicewwh@comcast.net> wrote:
Duke, sorry , never had any loaners (extremely exspensive to do so, i.e.; bmw north houston 2.5 yrs, wild west 25.25+ yrs.).i hope we can get your abs working.
regards, dan
----- Original Message -----
From: Duke Dixon
To: Wild West Service
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 2:15 PM
Subject: Re: Status Update, Please

Thank you for the reply.

I wish to enjoy my vacation too. Unfortunately I need my bike to do so. If I do not get my bike back by Tuesday, will Wild West provide a loaner to me?

On 6/17/08, Wild West Service <servicewwh@comcast.net> wrote:
Duke , sorry, i was on vaca last week and don't have an out-of office notice on my email. your bike is now my top priority repair. i wish i could say we have the solution but not yet . should be able to sort it out soon.
regards, dan
On 6/17/08, Duke Dixon <duke.dixon@gmail.com> wrote:

I now feel like I am being ignored as you have stopped responding to my emails and we are begining yet another week. I do not believe I have treated you in such a fashion as to be ignored. I have not continually bugged you about my bike. You told me up front that it may take up to 3 weeks to get repaired. I did not question you at all during April, the few times we spoke on the phone & the email we shared in May I percieved that it was "just about done", but now we are over half way through June. 73 days has passed since I left my bike in your capable hands. I think this is unacceptable.

I am requesting that you please respond and inform me of my options to either have this bike repaired or replaced. There (in my mind) is no reason for to have taken 73 days (and counting) to repair.

Respectful but Frustraited,
Duke Dixon

----- Original Message -----
From: Duke Dixon
To: Wild West Service
Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 11:30 AM
Subject: Re: Status Update, Please


I haven't heard from you since Friday last week.

Have you heard from BMW yet?


On 6/10/08, Duke Dixon <duke.dixon@gmail.com> wrote:
Good afternoon Dan,

Did we learning anything new from BMW Saturday or today?

I am trying to be patient man but the bike has been with you for 65 days and counting. I have vacation scheduled for a ride up to Colorado July 1 -8, do I keep it on my calendar?

On 6/6/08, Wild West Service <servicewwh@comcast.net> wrote:
Duke, i have to send them another diag test trace fiel and lists of mall the things we've tried thus far and wait for their next suggestion. (it's their money.....). please be continually patient. thanks, dan
----- Original Message -----
From: Duke Dixon
To: Wild West Service
Sent: Friday, June 06, 2008 12:08 PM
Subject: Re: Status Update, Please

You said that were going to be speaking to BMW a couple of days ago, have you heard back yet?

Any estimate on when I will have my bike back?

On 6/4/08, Duke Dixon <duke.dixon@gmail.com> wrote:
I never before had any ABS issues (that I was aware of). No accesories are installed on the braking circuits or braking lights. The only electrical assessories are CB Radio/Intercom, GPS Power supply and Aux Driving Lights, Everything is run from the battery on a dedicated fuse block I installed under the seat.

My only known braking issue (asside from having no rear brakes when the oil got on the rear pads), was my rear brake pedal would not pick itself back up and you could hear the servos(?) stay on. That just started prior to me bringing it into your shop.

On 6/4/08, Wild West Service <servicewwh@comcast.net> wrote:
Duke, just replace the abs hydro unit last friday and still have abs failure. com w/bmw agin this week......have youhad any previous abs issues? is there anything elec access-like tied into the brake system or brake lights?
regards, dan
----- Original Message -----
From: Duke Dixon
To: service@wildwesthonda.com
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2008 11:48 PM
Subject: Status Update, Please


Hello there, I am doing my best to be patient and not bug the fire out of you, but I am getting a little anxious.

I dropped my R1200GS Adv off with you on April 5, 2008. I was told that it would be 2 weeks before you could get to it, but you might work it in. And when you were able to get to work on it, it would take about a week. As you know we are now in the first week of June, and we are fast approaching the 2 month milestone of the bike being in your shop. We last spoke a couple of weeks ago and I have not heard from you since.

Can you please give me an update on what is taking so long?

What was the diagnosis?
What parts are being replaced?
How much longer will I be without my bike?

Thank you & Regards,
Duke Dixon
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Would you all like an update? Here is a string of emails going back to the begining of June. What would you all do?
I'd demand that BMW buy the bike from me and I'd go find something with less computer aided crap on it. Then again, I really like the K.I.S.S. approach to motorcycles.
Trade in for a 2007 R1200GS: $12,665

Trade in for a 2006 R1200GS: $10,800

Difference: $1,865. Only in depreciation, you have just lost $466 in the three months the bike has been sitting at the shop. .

Shouldn't this be covered by lemmon law?
Trade in for a 2007 R1200GS: $12,665

Trade in for a 2006 R1200GS: $10,800

Difference: $1,865. Only in depreciation, you have just lost $466 in the three months the bike has been sitting at the shop. .

Shouldn't this be covered by lemmon law?

Don't know where to begin regarding lemmon law. I thought that for a lemon law it had to be in the shop 3 or more times for the same problem.

My first was the now infamous event of the flaming final drive. That happend when having owned the bike for only 5 months. I since have owned the bike for 1 1/2 and close to 20,000 trouble free miles. In fact I even bragged on it at the Ingleside pie run. Of course it loses it seal around the drive shaft (still not sure just which one), and dumps lube on the deck of the ferry and my rear brake and tire. Which is my only second problem.

I am convinced that they did not start working on my bike until June. I am most likely wrong on that but it just doesn't make since. The problem that he is saying my bike has is a problem that I have never before seen so I don't know how to respond.

The bike is paid for, it is under warranty, I am not thinking of trading it in, that would be taking too big of a hit financially. Pay a bike like this off in less than 2 years and then before the check clears the bank the bike is in the back of a truck heading back to Houston to be deposited at Wild West Honda. Thats right, my payoff did not even clear my bank and the bike was broken. I wrote the check on Friday night and rode the bike to Ingelside Saturday morning.

Moral of the story... NEVER PAY ANYTHING OFF!

It just seems to me that Wild West should be doing something more than print out an error code and email BMW NA and wait a week for a response.

Anyone have a contact to report this at BMW NA?
The bike is paid for, it is under warranty, I am not thinking of trading it in, that would be taking too big of a hit financially. Pay a bike like this off in less than 2 years and then before the check clears the bank the bike is in the back of a truck heading back to Houston to be deposited at Wild West Honda. Thats right, my payoff did not even clear my bank and the bike was broken. I wrote the check on Friday night and rode the bike to Ingelside Saturday morning.

Moral of the story... NEVER PAY ANYTHING OFF!

I am not implying that you trade the bike. The point is that you made an investment (Fairly big) expecting to get a return (fun rides, adventures, poser points, whatever...) and you have been, not only,deprived of it for three month, but having the stress of not knowing how this thing is going to turn out. UNACEPTABLE
Have you contacted BMWNA yourself ?
Not that they will give you any more satisfaction than you are getting.
But I do think I would make them aware of the problem.
Also are you a member of BMWMOA ? They have an active forum with well informed and connected people on it.

Good Luck
Lemon law also has a provision for so many days in the shop out of a specified period. Can't remember, as it was 94 when I tried.
Lemon Law Site

(3) a nonconformity still exists that substantially
impairs the vehicle's use or market value and:
(A) the vehicle is out of service for repair for a
cumulative total of 30 or more days in the 24 months or 24,000
miles, whichever occurs first, following the date of original
delivery to the owner; and
(B) at least two repair attempts were made in the
12 months or 12,000 miles following the date of original delivery to
an owner.

Looks like I have exceeded the miles, but not time. They had the bike just days before it 2 year birthday.
BMW ownership is a mixed bag. While my R1200 has been a joy to ride, two major mechanical failures in 12,000 miles place it squarely in the unreliable category. Warranty service is something you may have to fight for. Be absolutely sure to check the BBB rating of the dealer you buy from. I wish I had. Also, check out BMWST.com (BMW Sport Touring).

It's not all bad news. The boxers are wonderfully easy to work on, with the exception of the CANBUS electrical system. The attention to detail in the construction will become obvious if you are a tinkerer. Creature comforts like heated seats and grips, and cruise control are beautifully integrated into the design. In contrast, my (now wrecked) FJR shows evidence of hasty design and cost-cutting in several areas, and is not really designed with the same eye toward ease in long-term maintainability. On the plus side, I know it will start every time I turn the key, and won't leave me on the side of the road watching oil drip from the final drive. The BMW fits me like a Savile Row suit. I'd pay whatever it took to get one that was reliable. I'll probably buy another FJR this fall.
Tell them to ship it to LoneStar on their nickel.
Update: Read from the bottom up, this is the response from WWH.

On 7/3/08, Duke Dixon <duke.dixon@gmail.com> wrote:
I don't understand why you cant pull a "hydro" from another bike or off the shelf just to see if that will correct the problem? Or swap parts form another bike to trouble shoot this out? Why not just pull the computer itself and replace with another one and see if you still get the same error?

That bike has had its final drive go up in flames in 2006 and I was back on the road in 5 days, INCLUDING THE WEEKEND. My bike was not a wreck when I dropped it off with you, although you did inherit me from BMW North. It is my understanding that a seal let go and dumped lube out of the drive shaft area. How that affected the ABS pump is beyond my capacity, but can understand how lube on the brake pads inhibited braking.

This is not making any sense to me. Why do I feel that my bike is not a priority? What do you suggest I do? Just being patient and waiting does not feel right anymore.

That is a 20,000 dollar motorcycle that I paid off the weekend it lost its seal. Before this holiday weekend ends I will have held my title longer than I held that bike in my garage this year.


On 7/3/08, SERVICE AT WILD WEST <servicewwh@comcast.net> wrote:
Duke, i can empathise. we only have one bike that's been here lomger than yours and that's an incomplete wreck repair we inherited from bmw north. unfortunately the bmw bikes are now so technically complex and the warranty repair procedures likewise. we cannot make any independent decisions any more without a directive from bmw. all info/communications must pass thru a PUMA e-mail type system. we can't even talk to a person on the phone. your failure symptom is not listed on the problem flow-chart. we're awaiting further advice.
regards, dan

And just to be clear on my position. This is not a BMW BASHING THREAD, NOR IS IT A BASH WILD WEST. I am frustrated, and feel that way because I was not pushing the issue until 30 some odd days ago.
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Ride that KLR and have some fun!! It will make you feel better ;-)

I think you've played fair long enough. Here's a suggestion based on 17 years at a similiar blood sucking Fortune 500 bureaucracy.

Monday morning, call BMW Motorrad USA in Woodcliff Lake, NJ and ask to speak to Pieter de Waal. He's the VP running the show here as of 02/2008. You won't talk to him*, but if you can give a 30 second polite, sad, and very resigned sounding synopsis to his AA (who is really running the show and knows who to bounce you to) that you will probably be bounced to you can start from the top down.

You want to eventually be put into contact for either the Service Manger or the Manager of BMW dealer rep for Texas, but you want the intro to come from above. Then you need to be pervasive, but polite. Keep in mine he or she will be entirely within their job description to say "This really needs to be handled at the dealer level". What you're trying to do is strike the chord that makes them want to call in a few favors and get you fixed.

* But if you do, here's some background on Pieter

Pieter de Waal, who grew up in South Africa, has been with BMW Group since 1994. In his current position, he heads worldwide Sales and Marketing for BMW Motorrad based in Munich. Prior to that he worked for BMW Group in Great Britain and South Africa as General Manager of BMW Motorrad and Technical Director of BMW Motorsport. Before he joined BMW Group, Pieter worked for numerous other companies including Nissan and Daimler-Benz.

Pieter de Waal is a qualified engineer with more than 20 years of experience. He holds a diploma in Civil Engineering from the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Is there a status update on the bike Duke ?

I got this yesterday.

From: SERVICE AT WILD WEST <servicewwh@comcast.net>
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2008 11:22:05 -0500
To: Duke Dixon
Subject: Re: Status Update, Please

Duke, likely we have this issue sorted out; bmwna sent us an '07 rear drive unit which has a diff # teeeth for the rear wheel speed sensor. the abs computer cannot interpret the signal. we are ordering another final drive and they tell us it will have the correct ring gear in it.
regards , dan

Still waiting to get the bike back though. What the hay, its only been 104 days and counting. Hopefully I can have it in time for Labor Day....:giveup:
Sir, I don't know you but all I can say is you have got to be one of the most patient people I have ever heard of - literally. I would have been apoplectic by this time if my bike had been in the shop that long for - as you described for something that can be swapped out relatively easily if only for troubleshooting purposes. I understand the corporate philosophy of "mother may I" requirements on the service departments but again some customer service oriented / self-motivated work could have gone a long way to keep this problem from ever reaching this juncture. I would without a doubt have become a nightmare for them from a PR standpoint during this time. While I despise it in general - I'm not sure I wouldn't investigate any legal action options you may have for consideration.
Still waiting to get the bike back though. What the hay, its only been 104 days and counting.

Duke, I feel for you! I am glad you have held your composure this long. I have would probably snapped by now. Your problem just reinforces my decision to buy my ST1300 instead of an RT.

In the 104 days you have been with out your bike, I have ridden 102 days or, approximately 10,000 miles in 10 states.

Not to add insult to injury, but the original chain and sprockets on my 99 ZX11 went 41K miles before replacement.